New York Employment Contracts & Severance Agreements Lawyer

A man and woman engage in a conversation in a modern office setting, surrounded by professional decor and furnishings.

The true purpose of an employment contract is to protect your interests as an employer. It provides you with the leverage and clarity you require should an employee choose to leave your company or should you choose to let an employee go. Unfortunately, employees will sometimes take issue with certain agreements or contracts and look to hold you, the employer, responsible for any misfortune they’ve incurred. Whether you’re facing a contract dispute or wish to create fool-proof contracts, contact a New York contracts & severance agreements lawyer from Bell Law Group today.

Employment Contracts & Severance Agreements for New York Employers | Our Lawyers Are Here

At Bell Law Group, our New York employer defense lawyers work with employers and managers to craft employment contracts and severance agreements that accurately reflect the employer’s interests. We also represent our clients when their current or former employees bring contract disputes involving such agreements.

Full Contract Dispute Litigation and Dispute Resolution Services

We put our more than 100 years of combined legal experience to work for employers and managers facing contract dispute litigation. Claims we often handle for New York employers include claims for breach of an employment contract and the failure to pay a bonus or commission.

While we are aggressive attorneys in court, we are also smart advocates outside of court. So while we are thoroughly preparing your case for trial, we are also pursuing alternative resolutions. In this manner, we believe we are doing what we can to represent your interests while keeping your costs as low as possible.

Providing Guidance on How to Hire and Fire Employees

The legal agreements themselves are not the only potential causes of concern when it comes to protecting an employer’s interests. Our legal works closely with our clients to craft quality agreements, and then we take it a step further by helping our clients put proper procedures in place to support the hiring and firing of employees. For instance, we can help you:

  • Draft and review company hiring policies
  • Draft and review company firing and layoff policies
  • Identify and craft processes to help onboard new employees
  • Identify and craft processes to assist in letting employees go

If you would like an experienced New York employer defense lawyer to work closely with you or your human resources department to create hiring and firing policies and procedures, contact us today.

Contact an Employment Contracts & Severance Agreements Lawyer for a Free Strategy Session

We know that many lawyers are hesitant to hire legal counsel for fear of having to pay excessive legal fees. We are here to help allay those fears. While we do bring large law firm experience to the table, we do not charge large firm prices. Call us or contact us online to schedule a free strategy session to learn more about our practices and our pricing model.

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