U.S. Postal Office (USPS) Employment Lawyer

A conveyor belt transporting blue bins alongside red chairs in a well-organized workspace.

Despite it being crucial to our way of life in the United States, our postal service does not receive the praise that it deserves. That being said, you did not join the postal service to win accolades. Even so, you did not deserve to be subjected to discrimination by an employer. If you have, you need a hard-charging U.S. Postal Office (USPS) employment lawyer from Bell Law Group to represent you. For more information on the complaint process and how our legal team can help you, contact The Bell Law Group, PLLC today.

Employment Lawyers Serving Members of the USPS

Since The Bell Law Group’s inception nearly two decades ago, our U.S. Postal Office (USPS) employment lawyers have relished the opportunity to take on powerful federal agencies on behalf of the “underdog.” Our legal team eagerly awaits the opportunity to fight for you, too.

Our Legal Services

The U.S. Postal Office (USPS) employment lawyers from The Bell Law Group have an abundance of experience with all things federal employment law, including the following areas:

EEO Complaint Process for USPS Members

To begin the pre-complaint process, you must contact the Postal Service Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office within 45 days of the discriminatory event. A written request to initiate the pre-complaint process will be considered timely if it is postmarked within 45 calendar days of the event. If you request EEO counseling through the mail, a package of EEO information and forms will be sent to you.

After you complete and return the applicable forms to the address provided, an EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Specialist will contact you, apprising you of time frames, your rights and responsibilities in the process and appeal procedures. He or she will also work to identify and define your claims and, if necessary, give you the option to engage in mediation. The matter may be extended, but if the matter is not resolved, the EEO ADR Specialist will conduct a final interview and issue you a Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint (NORFC), which you must put in writing, sign and postmark within 15 calendar days of the NORFC being issued.

The Postal Service may accept all or part of your complaint for investigation, which they must complete and issue a report for within 180 calendar days. Depending on the findings, you may request a Hearing or a Final Agency Decision.

If your complaint is dismissed at any point, you may file an appeal. Regardless of what stage of this process you are currently in, you should strongly consider retaining the services of a dogged U.S. Postal Office (USPS) employment lawyer from The Bell Law Group.

Contact a USPS Employment Lawyer

If you would like to learn more about pursuing an employment discrimination claim against the USPS, please contact our law firm. We are here to help you understand what happened to you and what your potential options are for moving forward.

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